PSV PSV《DJMax Technika Tune》泄露全收录曲目列表- 电玩 ... 2012年8月27日 - 由韩国Pentavision开发,预定于2012年9月27日发售日版,9月20日发售韩版的PSV音乐节奏游戏《DJMax Technika Tune》近日泄露了其收录曲目 ...
DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE韩版歌曲列表« 彩风音乐游戏社区 2012年9月3日 - 为大家整理了韩版DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE歌曲列表,列表为官方公布,目前内有67曲,从列表中可以看出,TUNE原创曲目共8首,BGA重制版 ...
DJMax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia DJMax (Korean: 디제이맥스, dijeimaegseu) (often stylised as DJMAX and also known as DJ Max in North America) is an action-rhythm video game series created by the South Korean studio Pentavision Studio Division under Neowiz Mobile. Games feature mostly experime
DJMax Technika Q Review | Touch Arcade - Touch Arcade: iPhone Game Reviews and News Connoisseurs of specialized arcade cabinets have probably heard of DJMax Technika , the South Korean touch-screen based rhythm game. Being an arcade music game with touch controls, an iOS version would seem to be a natural fit and that’s exactly what we h
SoBadItsGood/Music - Television Tropes & Idioms "Do all your shopping... AT WALMART!" "The Most Wanted Song," on the other hand, meant to be exactly what the focus group wanted, is insipid and unlistenable (but has a nice guitar solo). "Chocolate Rain... some stay dry, and others feel the pain." The ly
Horrible/Music - Television Tropes & Idioms A page for describing Horrible: Horrible ... General Apple and iTunes have been releasing covers of popular anime songs in conjunction with Anisong. There are 45 albums so far, and only three of them have gotten higher than 3 stars on iTunes.
PSV 《DJMax Technika Tune》奖杯一览- 电玩巴士 2012年9月22日 - 银. 【STAR】模式下综合判定S++以上. 银. 任意一首歌曲,达到100%判定. 银. 任意一首歌曲,【AC】(全连). 银. 在剩余10%的HP量时过关(神控血啊!
DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE_百度百科 本作收录了多达67首歌曲与各种难度,以及拥有丰富的网络互动要素。 中文名. DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE. 原版名称. DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE. 游戏类型. 音乐游戏.
Tale of a Rubus rosifolius: DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE介紹 2013年6月18日 - DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE是一款發表在PSV上面的音樂遊戲,由PENTAVISION 製作,是從音樂街機遊戲DJMAX Technika移植過來歌曲量非常多, ...
《DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE》歌曲介绍_游戏视频_太平洋游戏 ... 《DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE》歌曲介绍. 时间:2012-09-19 播放: 2499 次 类别:原创关键词 ...